From AOPA online: Unleaded Swift fuel tested in radial engine
An unmodified Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp engine running on Swift Enterprises’ high-octane unleaded fuel 100SF showed no signs of knock in an informal round of testing, Purdue Research Park announced Oct. 25.
High-powered radial engines, designed to run on 115/145-octane fuel, present a significant challenge to any developer of an unleaded fuel. These engines already must run on reduced power settings on today’s lower-octane 100LL, and losing the knock protection provided by lead could further shrink their operating margins. The testing was part of an effort to prove that the fuel can meet the needs of engines that demand high-octane fuel, like the radial-engine aircraft that play an especially critical role in transporting people and supplies in Alaska—a question that Swift Vice President of Renewable Fuels Jon Ziulkowski said frequently arises during meetings with industry.
“Everybody says, ‘Yeah, but will it work in a radial engine?’” he said. Now, the company can say, "Yes," he added.
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* Unleaded Swift fuel tested in radial engine
“It turns out it’s at least as good as 100LL."
A&P mechanics at Anderson Aeromotive Inc. conducted testing over three days in Grangeville, Idaho, operating at 115- to 145-octane takeoff power settings with no sign of engine knock, Purdue Research Park said. The R-2800 burned more than 100 gallons of 100SF, which produced a higher detonation threshold than 100LL, the business incubation complex added.
Norman Koerner, president of TriCap International Inc., organized the testing at Anderson Aeromotive, an outfit with significant radial engine experience, Purdue Research Park noted in a news release. Texas-based TriCap provides consulting and management services for aircraft modification, specializing in high-performance piston aircraft such as the Douglas A-26 and DC-3 and the Lockheed PV-2.
Swift’s fuel will undergo another, more extensive, formal round of radial engine testing in 2012, the release noted. Ziulkowski said Swift expects to conduct those tests in the demanding environment of Alaska, running the fuel on an aircraft there and measuring such performance parameters as detonation and resistance to detonation, compatibility with the engine, and cold-weather performance.
The testing also will explore the possibility of operating at higher power settings than on 100LL because of 100SF’s slightly higher octane, Ziulkowski said. “To an air carrier in Alaska, that makes all the difference,” he said.
Koerner said in the news release that the testing will help pave the way for legacy aircraft to continue to provide essential services.
"Additionally, 100SF will be able to power the heritage aircraft that are indispensable in preserving the history of World War II,” Koerner said. “I think it's the right thing to do, so let's 'keep 'em flying!'"
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Only in Print: Kendal at Hanover residents publish book of war memories

WASP Louise Brown shares her stories in World War II Remembered.
From Union Only in Print: Kendal at Hanover residents publish book of war memories
HANOVER — He was injured at both the D-Day landing in Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium, but his assignment to oversee an emancipated concentration camp in Germany when World War II ended was what left the most lasting impact on Clinton Gardner.
“The memory of it is so deep, it has affected me ever since,” he said.
He tells his story “Three Unlikely Wounds” in the new book World War II Remembered, a collection of 56 memoirs by residents of the retirement community Kendal at Hanover. The book was released this week.
Gardner, 88, managing editor in the book’s publication, said Wednesday that residents of Kendal at Hanover were inspired after reading a book of World War II memoirs written by residents of the retirement community Wake Robin, in Shelburne, Vt.
Wake Robin individuals gladly consulted the Kendal residents on the project, Gardener said. “We thought it was a great idea and we gave them a call and asked them how they did it.”
Kendal residents Jane Barlow, Robert Christie, Elinor Horne, Mary Jenkins, James Sheridan and Robert Stanbaugh also served as editors of the book.
“My memoir, I’ve given the title ‘Three Unlikely Wounds.’ I received the first wound on D-Day. … Everyone around me thought I was gone. My helmet was split in half by a shell that went through it. … The second was during the Battle of the Bulge. And the third — I am calling it a wound, but it was a psychological wound — was when I was put in charge of the Buchenwald concentration camp,” Gardner said. “That was one of the big concentration camps. In fact, it was one of the first concentration camps freed.”
When the U.S. Army freed the camp, there were 20,000 people in it — “3,000 were half alive and dying at a rate of 50 a day.”
Buchenwald was where the some of the first reports of the Auschwitz gas chambers were reported by prisoners, so officers were brought in to interview them.
While he had quickly recovered from his battle wounds in army hospitals, the scars left by the horrors of his three months in the camp have stayed with Gardner; he said he has memories of seeing the huge number of dead and visiting the morgue daily.
“World War II Remembered” tells other stories from both the European and Pacific fronts, as well as those who did their part at home or who lived under Nazi rule.
Gardner is quick to point out two-thirds of the memoirs were written by women. Louise Brown flew planes to various locations within the country as a member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots. The WASPS, as they were called, never saw combat but Brown had a close call.
Jean Sonder wrote a detailed account of her childhood living in Nazi-occupied Holland. She recalls the day parachutes of the invading army rained down on The Hague and how she was taught to protect herself and her family. “We children were warned by our parents, and also by a teacher, to watch what we said in public, as the Germans were encouraging people to tell them what they heard or saw of anti-German behavior and tricking the younger children at school into revealing that their parents listened to the BBC,” she wrote.
Her father, who was Jewish, was eventually sent to Auschwitz, where he died while her mother, who had dual citizenship, fled with the children to the United States.
“I think the most interesting thing for me is the effect of seeing such varied reports of the war,” Gardner said.
“World War II Remembered” was published by the Kendal Residents Association. The book is priced at $22.95 and available at the Dartmouth Bookstore. An order form for the book is also available on the Kendal at Hanover website,
Generations unite: Reservists serve alongside WWII WASPs

From the 442nd Fighter Wing: Generations unite: Reservists serve alongside WWII WASPs
Senior Master Sgt. Regina Brewer escorts Flora Bell Reese, World War II Woman Airforce Service Pilot, during the Midland Airshow in Odessa, Texas, Oct. 7, 2011. Brewer attended the event as a representative of the 442nd Human Resources Development Council, part of the 442nd Fighter Wing. The 442nd FW is an A-10 Thunderbolt II Air Force Reserve unit at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo. (U.S. Air Force photo/Courtesy photo)
- WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. -- In October, two members of the 442nd Fighter Wing and 27 other Citizen Airmen from 10th Air Force, attended the Midland Airshow in Odessa, Texas. Unique to this airshow however, was the opportunity for the servicemembers to escort Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) from World War II.
With less than 300 WASPs remaining today, their heritage is quickly fading - something Senior Master Sgt. Regina Brewer, 442nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron support technician, said she doesn't want to see happen.
"These are amazing women," she said. "They've accomplished so much in their lives, and most people have never even heard about them. But they're the reason I'm in the Air Force today."
During World War II, the need for pilots was great - and while there were volunteers - many of them were disqualified based on their gender. These females knew they wanted to serve their country and knew they had the bravery and skills to do so as pilots.
"We paid our own way over there to the war," said Merriem Roby Anderson, WASP of class 44-4. "We flew the planes and fought in the war, and then one day they just told us to go home."
The women were given no military honors, medical privileges or G.I. benefits. Instead, many returned to a society that didn't accept their service to the country.
The WASPs had become the first women to fly American military aircraft. More than 1,000 women earned their wings during World War II.
Finally, in 1977 after 30 years, the WASPs were given veteran status.
In 2010, five members of the 442nd Fighter Wing traveled to the nation's capitol to pay respect to the women as they were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.
Brewer began studying about the WASPs after she attended a Women in Aviation Conference a few years ago. She said she has always loved learning about history, and until the WIA conference, had never heard about the WASPs.
"I was never taught about these women - but it's because of them that I'm in the military today," she said. "Spending time with them is a humbling experience - one that everyone - men and women - could all learn so much from."
As a member of the 442nd Human Resources Development Council, Brewer has volunteered to become an instructor for Wright Flight - a program where servicemembers teach high school students about aviation.
"I would love to have a WASP come talk to the students about her experiences," Brewer said. "I don't know why this stuff isn't in history books, because the WASPs are a huge part of our history."
Brewer said the WASP she escorted to the Midland Airshow, Flora Belle Smith Reese of class 44-4, will be part of her family for the rest of her life.
"Everyone who attends these events and meets these women gets to know them so well and will probably have a connection with them for the rest of their lives."
Col. Gregory Eckfeld, 442nd Fighter Wing vice commander and president of 442nd HRDC, said there will be more opportunities like this for reservists in the future. For more information about HRDC, you may contact him at (660) 687-4008.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Claire Bear Flies to Oshkosh...Just in time for Christmas
Received this press release today: Powder Puff Pilot Releases New Aviation Book for Children
visit or call toll free at 888-801-6628.
Aurora, Colorado – It’s never too early to start ground school for the next generation of pilots, even if they’re preschoolers! Denver-based publisher Powder Puff Pilot makes learning about aviation fun with a series of full-color picture books starring Claire Bear, a pink‑clad aerobatic performer and mentor for aspiring young pilots. The release of their newest book, Claire Bear Flies to Oshkosh is just in time for parents and grandparents to share their love of aviation with the next generation of pilots at Christmas.
In her fourth aviation picture book, author Sue Hughes describes a visit a to EAA’s AirVenture, “The World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration,” held every summer in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. She implements her characteristic lyrical rhymes to follow Claire Bear as she flies to the event and performs in the world’s greatest airshow.
Anyone who has used the special flight procedures implemented during AirVenture will relate to Claire when she rocks her wings and lands on the green dot at Oshkosh’s Wittman Regional Airport. These are just a few of the unique arrival procedures that enable air traffic controllers to handle more daily air traffic during the 10 days of AirVenture than Atlanta’s Hartsfield, Chicago’s O’Hare, or New York City’s JFK airports.
The Claire Bear series is the brainchild of Sue Hughes—a pilot since 1996 and a current flight instructor and aviation technical writer—whose goal is to introduce the thrills and exhilaration of aviation to a new generation. With her latest title, Hughes describes the enormity and excitement of AirVenture, “although it’s difficult to convey how big this event really is, and how special it is to aviation fans,” explained Hughes. “I’ve been to Oshkosh five times, and can’t wait to go again.”
Hughes credits illustrator Linda Terentiak for really bringing the Oshkosh experience to life. The two met at Oshkosh in 2010 and later, when Hughes needed an illustrator for her next book, Terentiak rose to the top of her wish list. “This project took longer than usual,” said Terentiak, “because the drawings were based on actual photos, and we took great pains to get them correct. It is so exciting to see it come together!”
EAA Communications Director Dick Knapinski vouches for the accuracy of the new release, saying, “The book was definitely written by someone who had flown the Oshkosh approach before.” He added, “Love the book and I hope it does great!”
The first in Hughes’ picture book series, Claire Bear Presents… The Pilot Alphabet, now in its fourth printing, was published in 2008. It teaches Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, and the rest of the words that pilots and air traffic controllers use to communicate clearly over the radio. In 2009, Hughes published her second picture book, Claire Bear’s First Solo, which accurately depicts a pilot’s first solo experience—an exhilarating flight that every aviator vividly remembers. Last year she released her third book, Claire Bear Explains… What Pilots Fly, which offers an overview of the wide variety of missions and aircraft that pilots fly. All three titles have been named by USA Book News as National Best Book finalists.
In addition to publishing, Powder Puff Pilot designs and sells pilot gear and accessories for women, such as a pink pilot logbook, pink aviation headsets, and pink seat cushions. They also carry over 20 biographies, flight adventures, fiction, and children’s books that are by and/or about amazing aviatrixes.
Powder Puff Pilot was founded in November 2008 by Sue Hughes of Aurora, Colorado. Among her other published works are This Day in Women’s Aviation, a page-a-day calendar for 2012 that celebrates events and milestones achieved by women in aviation. Powder Puff Pilot products are sold online and at over 60 retailers, including aviation museums, pilot shops, and bookstores. For more information or to order Powder Puff Pilot products, visit or call toll free at 888-801-6628.
More women earn their wings at Lufthansa and other airlines
From Deutche Welle: More women earn their wings at Lufthansa and other airlines
Female aviators have flown combat missions for the military, but it's taken them much longer to break the gender barrier at commercial airlines. The percentage of women pilots is still extremely low, but rising.
Back in the 1960s, the head of Lufthansa's pilot training school, Alfred Vermaaten, once quipped: "A woman has a better chance of becoming a world heavyweight boxing champion than an airline captain". It took decades to prove Vermaaten wrong. Lufthansa's first female pilot took to the skies in 1988, and went on to becoming the German flag carrier's first female captain in the year 2000.
Lufthansa currently employs nearly 300 female pilots, which means women account for little more than 5 percent of the airline's pilots an industry average based on a random sampling of major commercial airlines compiled by Deutsche Welle.
Today the odds of a woman being a commercial airline pilot are better than becoming a heavyweight boxing champion, but they're still a lot lower than the 12 percent on the supervisory boards of Germany's major DAX companies. Furthermore, 36 percent of judges in Germany are women and nearly 40 percent of Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet is female.
No discrimination in the cockpit
In Vermaaten's time, it was unthinkable for a woman to be in the cockpit of any commercial airline, even though many female pilots had flown for the military during the previous half-century.
"We had a saying that 'if God meant women to fly, he would have painted the sky pink, not blue,'" said Captain Jörg Handwerg, a spokesman for the airline pilots' association Vereinigung Cockpit. However, gender discrimination is no longer an obstacle to a career in the cockpit, he added. Quite the contrary.
"When (women) apply for a job, airlines are happy. They want to get rid of the stigma they discriminate against women. They want to encourage women to become pilots, but with only an 8 percent application rate, you cannot have 50 percent women pilots," he said.
Although there are no quotas or numerical targets in its recruitment of female pilots, Lufthansa sponsors an annual program called Girls' Day, in which companies present vocational choices to teenage girls. "We try to promote the job of an airline pilot, flight engineer or mechanic to high school girls, to show them that these kinds of career paths are options for them," explained Lufthansa spokesman Michael Lamberty.
Lack of female role models
Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Women fly for the German military, but few other female role models exist
That so few women apply for the flight training programs airlines offer is puzzling, especially since the pay is good. The starting salary at a major commercial airline such as Lufthansa is about 60,000 euros ($82,000), which is more than that of a junior hospital doctor or lower level federal judge in Germany.
First officer Rieke Hurler, 25, earned her pilot's license in 2010 after completing an in-house flight training course that lasted nearly three years. Hurler, whose father is also a pilot, had already dreamed about flying as a child.
"I think if my father would not be a pilot, I would not have even thought about it," Hurler said, adding that the lack of female role models could be a reason why so few women consider a career in the cockpit. "In the movies and TV, it's always the male heroes who are flying the airplanes".
Too technical for women?
Perhaps flying jets, like fixing cars, is simply one of those 'male' tasks which doesn't appeal to most women?
"The female pilots we have are wonderful, but women in general just don't seem to be interested in this very technical job," said Handwerg. But Hurler believes many women are frightened off by the perception that flying is a purely technical career.
"You don't need to study maths or physics to be a pilot. Lots of women think it's only a technical job, but you need communication and team skills, soft skills too," said Hurler. "I think there's no difference whether you're a woman or man flying an airplane. There's nothing that a woman can't do in this job," she added.
For many younger women, the technical demands of the job and sexism are not the primary issue keeping them away from the runway. What matters is whether a company offers family friendly policies that make it easier for women to combine work with motherhood.
Combining flying with motherhood
"The job of a pilot is not Monday to Friday 9-5. It's not very regular, but it is planable," said Lufthansa spokesman Lamberty, who explained that pilots can choose from several part-time schemes that allow them to fly a fraction of their regular roster.
Furthermore, flight simulators allow pregnant pilots to keep honing their skills so they don't lose their seniority when they come back to work after maternity leave.
"Of course I'd like to have a family in the next few years and with my job it's not a problem. It's a question of organization," said Hurler, who is married, but childless.
What can be difficult is being thousands of miles away from home at a four or five day stretch - a schedule demanded not just of pilots, but of cabin crew as well. And then there are contingencies such as a volcanic ash cloud that can leave the entire flight crew stranded for days and wreck havoc with childcare arrangements back home.
"For every mother it is hard to leave small children," said Martina Stickler-Posner, who was once a flight attendant, but is now a labor lawyer representing pilots. "What I found hard for me and my colleagues is the standby regulation. You're reading a book to your child, suddenly the phone rings and mummy goes off."
Part-time pilots cost more
Stickler-Posner said that while airlines do officially offer part-time modules to accommodate the work-life needs of their pilots, such practices are sometimes not popular with airline managers because it costs more to train and maintain two part-time pilots than just one full-time pilot.
"There are airlines who say we can't afford to have more part-time workers, that pilot education is so expensive," she said. The cost of training one pilot at Lufthansa is roughly 180,000 euros, of which one third is usually paid back by the trainee in the form of a salary deduction during their first few years of work.
Ironically, when the industry is in a slump, employers are happy to reduce the workload of working mothers and some pilots might even be forced to reduce their hours involuntarily. But during an economic boom or peak travel times of the year, part-time work is discouraged, said Stickler-Posner.
The airline industry is always one of the first to feel the effect of global economic developments, from changes in the price of oil to political unrest. But one steady trend is emerging: In the past decade, the proportion of female pilots at Lufthansa has more than doubled and the number of pilot trainees has tripled to make up 15 percent of the training roster. While it's still rare for passengers to hear a female voice emanating from the cockpit, their absolute numbers are growing quickly.
Female aviators have flown combat missions for the military, but it's taken them much longer to break the gender barrier at commercial airlines. The percentage of women pilots is still extremely low, but rising.
Back in the 1960s, the head of Lufthansa's pilot training school, Alfred Vermaaten, once quipped: "A woman has a better chance of becoming a world heavyweight boxing champion than an airline captain". It took decades to prove Vermaaten wrong. Lufthansa's first female pilot took to the skies in 1988, and went on to becoming the German flag carrier's first female captain in the year 2000.
Lufthansa currently employs nearly 300 female pilots, which means women account for little more than 5 percent of the airline's pilots an industry average based on a random sampling of major commercial airlines compiled by Deutsche Welle.
Today the odds of a woman being a commercial airline pilot are better than becoming a heavyweight boxing champion, but they're still a lot lower than the 12 percent on the supervisory boards of Germany's major DAX companies. Furthermore, 36 percent of judges in Germany are women and nearly 40 percent of Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet is female.
No discrimination in the cockpit
In Vermaaten's time, it was unthinkable for a woman to be in the cockpit of any commercial airline, even though many female pilots had flown for the military during the previous half-century.
"We had a saying that 'if God meant women to fly, he would have painted the sky pink, not blue,'" said Captain Jörg Handwerg, a spokesman for the airline pilots' association Vereinigung Cockpit. However, gender discrimination is no longer an obstacle to a career in the cockpit, he added. Quite the contrary.
"When (women) apply for a job, airlines are happy. They want to get rid of the stigma they discriminate against women. They want to encourage women to become pilots, but with only an 8 percent application rate, you cannot have 50 percent women pilots," he said.
Although there are no quotas or numerical targets in its recruitment of female pilots, Lufthansa sponsors an annual program called Girls' Day, in which companies present vocational choices to teenage girls. "We try to promote the job of an airline pilot, flight engineer or mechanic to high school girls, to show them that these kinds of career paths are options for them," explained Lufthansa spokesman Michael Lamberty.
Lack of female role models
Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Women fly for the German military, but few other female role models exist
That so few women apply for the flight training programs airlines offer is puzzling, especially since the pay is good. The starting salary at a major commercial airline such as Lufthansa is about 60,000 euros ($82,000), which is more than that of a junior hospital doctor or lower level federal judge in Germany.
First officer Rieke Hurler, 25, earned her pilot's license in 2010 after completing an in-house flight training course that lasted nearly three years. Hurler, whose father is also a pilot, had already dreamed about flying as a child.
"I think if my father would not be a pilot, I would not have even thought about it," Hurler said, adding that the lack of female role models could be a reason why so few women consider a career in the cockpit. "In the movies and TV, it's always the male heroes who are flying the airplanes".
Too technical for women?
Perhaps flying jets, like fixing cars, is simply one of those 'male' tasks which doesn't appeal to most women?
"The female pilots we have are wonderful, but women in general just don't seem to be interested in this very technical job," said Handwerg. But Hurler believes many women are frightened off by the perception that flying is a purely technical career.
"You don't need to study maths or physics to be a pilot. Lots of women think it's only a technical job, but you need communication and team skills, soft skills too," said Hurler. "I think there's no difference whether you're a woman or man flying an airplane. There's nothing that a woman can't do in this job," she added.
For many younger women, the technical demands of the job and sexism are not the primary issue keeping them away from the runway. What matters is whether a company offers family friendly policies that make it easier for women to combine work with motherhood.
Combining flying with motherhood
"The job of a pilot is not Monday to Friday 9-5. It's not very regular, but it is planable," said Lufthansa spokesman Lamberty, who explained that pilots can choose from several part-time schemes that allow them to fly a fraction of their regular roster.
Furthermore, flight simulators allow pregnant pilots to keep honing their skills so they don't lose their seniority when they come back to work after maternity leave.
"Of course I'd like to have a family in the next few years and with my job it's not a problem. It's a question of organization," said Hurler, who is married, but childless.
What can be difficult is being thousands of miles away from home at a four or five day stretch - a schedule demanded not just of pilots, but of cabin crew as well. And then there are contingencies such as a volcanic ash cloud that can leave the entire flight crew stranded for days and wreck havoc with childcare arrangements back home.
"For every mother it is hard to leave small children," said Martina Stickler-Posner, who was once a flight attendant, but is now a labor lawyer representing pilots. "What I found hard for me and my colleagues is the standby regulation. You're reading a book to your child, suddenly the phone rings and mummy goes off."
Part-time pilots cost more
Stickler-Posner said that while airlines do officially offer part-time modules to accommodate the work-life needs of their pilots, such practices are sometimes not popular with airline managers because it costs more to train and maintain two part-time pilots than just one full-time pilot.
"There are airlines who say we can't afford to have more part-time workers, that pilot education is so expensive," she said. The cost of training one pilot at Lufthansa is roughly 180,000 euros, of which one third is usually paid back by the trainee in the form of a salary deduction during their first few years of work.
Ironically, when the industry is in a slump, employers are happy to reduce the workload of working mothers and some pilots might even be forced to reduce their hours involuntarily. But during an economic boom or peak travel times of the year, part-time work is discouraged, said Stickler-Posner.
The airline industry is always one of the first to feel the effect of global economic developments, from changes in the price of oil to political unrest. But one steady trend is emerging: In the past decade, the proportion of female pilots at Lufthansa has more than doubled and the number of pilot trainees has tripled to make up 15 percent of the training roster. While it's still rare for passengers to hear a female voice emanating from the cockpit, their absolute numbers are growing quickly.
Woman pilot files harassment complaint: LHC asks PIA to submit reply
From the (Pakistan's Premier Financial Daily): Woman pilot files harassment complaint: LHC asks PIA to submit reply
The Lahore High Court here on Wednesday sought a reply from the administration of Pakistan International Airlines in a petition filed against alleged sexual harassment the women pilots face in the national carrier. The petitioner, Captain Riffat Haye, alleged that officials caused sexual harassment to women pilots during flights or in offices.
And if their demands are not met they create hurdles towards their promotions. She claimed that she had also submitted a complaint with PIA women development standing committee but no action was taken. She prayed that action should be taken against those found guilty under the law against women harassment.
The Lahore High Court here on Wednesday sought a reply from the administration of Pakistan International Airlines in a petition filed against alleged sexual harassment the women pilots face in the national carrier. The petitioner, Captain Riffat Haye, alleged that officials caused sexual harassment to women pilots during flights or in offices.
And if their demands are not met they create hurdles towards their promotions. She claimed that she had also submitted a complaint with PIA women development standing committee but no action was taken. She prayed that action should be taken against those found guilty under the law against women harassment.
Elite Aviation Partners With Piaggio Aero to Expand North American Sales Centers
The company may be womaned-owned... but there's no info on their website as to who is the owner, how many pilots are women - if any - and so on.
From Market Watch: Elite Aviation Partners With Piaggio Aero to Expand North American Sales Centers
VAN NUYS, Calif., Oct. 18, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Elite Aviation, the premier global private jet company with an extensive and diverse fleet that serves high net worth individuals with flights worldwide and Piaggio Aero, makers of the renowned Piaggio Aero P180 Avanti II turboprop aircraft, announced today a partnership to expand aircraft sales in North America. Elite Aviation will be the West Coast sales center for Piaggio, serving California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada, and spearhead sales of Piaggio Aero's P180 turboprop aircraft out of their office in Van Nuys, California. The move into sales is a logical extension for Elite Aviation, known for providing the highest levels of personal service to their clients in the air and on the ground.
"This relationship cements Elite Aviation's status as a full-service charter jet company assisting our clients in the acquisition, management and maintenance of aircraft," said Chris Holifield, president and CEO, Elite Aviation. "We're honored to be working with Piaggio Aero in multiple states, and through this partnership we'll be able to provide clients with additional guidance enabling them to make smart purchasing decisions."
Elite Aviation is the female-owned premier global private jet company specializing in full-service aircraft management from turnkey acquisitions to maintenance to crew selection and aircraft sub-leasing. The company provides 24-hour access to staff, industry-leading concierge services and catering.
"We're focusing efforts to expand our presence in North America and this new partnership will help us achieve this goal," said John M. Bingham, President and CEO of Piaggio America. "Elite Aviation has the experience and capabilities needed to connect with buyers, coordinate negotiations and influence purchasing decisions."
For more information on Elite Aviation visit . For further information on Piaggio Aero visit .
About Elite Aviation
Elite Aviation, LLC is a female-owned global premier private jet company with a diverse fleet that can handle short hops and long-range flights worldwide. The company specializes in full-service aircraft management from turnkey acquisitions to maintenance to crew selection and aircraft sub-leasing. Elite Aviation has achieved the highest level of flight safety with receipt of the prestigious Platinum ARG/US and WYVERN certifications. The company serves the needs of high-net worth individuals in delivering a complete luxury experience in the air and on the ground through a concierge service approach that fulfills every imaginable need. For more information, visit or call (888) 988-JETS.
From Market Watch: Elite Aviation Partners With Piaggio Aero to Expand North American Sales Centers
VAN NUYS, Calif., Oct. 18, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Elite Aviation, the premier global private jet company with an extensive and diverse fleet that serves high net worth individuals with flights worldwide and Piaggio Aero, makers of the renowned Piaggio Aero P180 Avanti II turboprop aircraft, announced today a partnership to expand aircraft sales in North America. Elite Aviation will be the West Coast sales center for Piaggio, serving California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada, and spearhead sales of Piaggio Aero's P180 turboprop aircraft out of their office in Van Nuys, California. The move into sales is a logical extension for Elite Aviation, known for providing the highest levels of personal service to their clients in the air and on the ground.
"This relationship cements Elite Aviation's status as a full-service charter jet company assisting our clients in the acquisition, management and maintenance of aircraft," said Chris Holifield, president and CEO, Elite Aviation. "We're honored to be working with Piaggio Aero in multiple states, and through this partnership we'll be able to provide clients with additional guidance enabling them to make smart purchasing decisions."
Elite Aviation is the female-owned premier global private jet company specializing in full-service aircraft management from turnkey acquisitions to maintenance to crew selection and aircraft sub-leasing. The company provides 24-hour access to staff, industry-leading concierge services and catering.
"We're focusing efforts to expand our presence in North America and this new partnership will help us achieve this goal," said John M. Bingham, President and CEO of Piaggio America. "Elite Aviation has the experience and capabilities needed to connect with buyers, coordinate negotiations and influence purchasing decisions."
For more information on Elite Aviation visit . For further information on Piaggio Aero visit .
About Elite Aviation
Elite Aviation, LLC is a female-owned global premier private jet company with a diverse fleet that can handle short hops and long-range flights worldwide. The company specializes in full-service aircraft management from turnkey acquisitions to maintenance to crew selection and aircraft sub-leasing. Elite Aviation has achieved the highest level of flight safety with receipt of the prestigious Platinum ARG/US and WYVERN certifications. The company serves the needs of high-net worth individuals in delivering a complete luxury experience in the air and on the ground through a concierge service approach that fulfills every imaginable need. For more information, visit or call (888) 988-JETS.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
On travel til Wednesday
I'm visiting elderly relatives in Box Elder, SD who do not have internet.
Will try to sneak out now and again to an internet cafe to post, but more than likely will not be posting until Wedneday.
Will try to sneak out now and again to an internet cafe to post, but more than likely will not be posting until Wedneday.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Aviation Week Presents 2011 A&D Programs Conference and Awards on Oct. 24-26 in Phoenix
From Yahoo News: Aviation Week Presents 2011 A&D Programs Conference and Awards on Oct. 24-26 in Phoenix
NEW YORK, Sept. 1, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Aviation Week will present the on October 24-26 at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix, Arizona. With continuing economic pressures, falling budgets, and increasing calls for industrial investment, it is critical that government contractors and customers strategize their approaches toward performance, innovation and sourcing today. During the event, Aviation Week will also present the Program Excellence Award Winners and Innovation Challenge Finalists, the industry's preeminent awards for program managers and tiered suppliers in the A&D industry.
At the event, attendees will gain valuable business and program intelligence related to key issues, such as progress in supply chain health, DoD and NASA acquisition strategies, program performance trends, and OEM strategic sourcing efforts. Speakers will present in-depth case studies for developing and executing subcontracts, shared services models, and changes in affordability. Program leaders, such as Tom Kilkenny, general manager of IBM Global Aerospace & Defense Industry, will discuss global supply chain optimization, integration and risk mitigation. Other prestigious speakers include:
Craig Blue, Director, Office of Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Industrial Technologies, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Charles Burbage, EVP/GM, F-35 Program Integration, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.
Byron Callan, Director, Capital Alpha Partners
Tom Captain, Vice Chairman and Global A&D Leader, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Tom Clancy, VP, Advanced Concepts, Aurora Flight Sciences
Tom Dolan, President, Hi-Rel Products
Maureen Dougherty, VP/Program Manager, Next Generation Tanker, Boeing Military Aircraft
Phil Dunford, COO, Boeing Military Aircraft
Bob Fecteau, CIO, BAE Systems Intelligence & Security
Doug Fronius, Chief Engineer, Air and Land Systems, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Vivek Kamath, VP, Supply Chain Operations, Raytheon
Jason Kinder, Director, Product Management, Deltek
Lisa Kohl, Sector VP, Supply Chain, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Kenneth Krieg, Founder, Stamford Global, and Former U.S. Undersecretary of Defense-AT&L
Roger Krone, President, Boeing Network and Space Systems
Zachary Lemnios, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Mike Madsen, President, Honeywell Defense & Space
Philip McAlister, Special Assistant to the Associate Administrator for Exploration Systems, NASA
Doug McCrosson, COO, CPI Aero
Mike Owens, VP, ISC, Americas, Honeywell Aerospace
Mark Sirangelo, Corporate VP, Sierra Nevada Corp. Space Systems
Allan Swan, VP, Supply Chain Planning and Control, Rolls-Royce N.A.
Don Theriault, President, Industrial Tool, Die & Engineering
Jeff Wilcox, VP, Engineering, Lockheed Martin Corp.
For more information or to register, visit . On Twitter, follow @avweekevents or search for #ADP11. Special rates apply before Sept. 16 and for government, military, media, alumni, and groups of three or more.
A&D Programs is produced by Aviation Week, with support from Forecast International, International Centre for Complex Project Management, and Supply Chain Council. The diamond sponsor is IBM. The emerald sponsor is Oracle. Dassault Systemes is the gold sponsor. The charter sponsor is Deloitte. Silver sponsors include Deltek, Parametric Technology Corp., and Software AG. Bronze sponsors are Constellium, Infotech, and Siemens. Program excellence sponsors are BAE Systems, Boeing, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon. Media support is provided by Aviation Week & Space Technology,, Defense Procurement News, Defense Technology International, and Military Suppliers & News.
About Aviation Week:
Aviation Week, part of The McGraw-Hill Companies, is the largest multimedia information and services provider to the global aviation, aerospace and defense industries, and includes, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Defense Technology International, Business & Commercial Aviation, Overhaul & Maintenance, ShowNews, Aviation Daily, Aerospace Daily & Defense Report, The Weekly of Business Aviation, Aviation Week Intelligence Network, and MRO Links. The group also produces major events around the world.
From Yahoo News: Aviation Week Presents 2011 A&D Programs Conference and Awards on Oct. 24-26 in Phoenix
NEW YORK, Sept. 1, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Aviation Week will present the on October 24-26 at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix, Arizona. With continuing economic pressures, falling budgets, and increasing calls for industrial investment, it is critical that government contractors and customers strategize their approaches toward performance, innovation and sourcing today. During the event, Aviation Week will also present the Program Excellence Award Winners and Innovation Challenge Finalists, the industry's preeminent awards for program managers and tiered suppliers in the A&D industry.
At the event, attendees will gain valuable business and program intelligence related to key issues, such as progress in supply chain health, DoD and NASA acquisition strategies, program performance trends, and OEM strategic sourcing efforts. Speakers will present in-depth case studies for developing and executing subcontracts, shared services models, and changes in affordability. Program leaders, such as Tom Kilkenny, general manager of IBM Global Aerospace & Defense Industry, will discuss global supply chain optimization, integration and risk mitigation. Other prestigious speakers include:
Craig Blue, Director, Office of Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Industrial Technologies, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Charles Burbage, EVP/GM, F-35 Program Integration, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.
Byron Callan, Director, Capital Alpha Partners
Tom Captain, Vice Chairman and Global A&D Leader, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Tom Clancy, VP, Advanced Concepts, Aurora Flight Sciences
Tom Dolan, President, Hi-Rel Products
Maureen Dougherty, VP/Program Manager, Next Generation Tanker, Boeing Military Aircraft
Phil Dunford, COO, Boeing Military Aircraft
Bob Fecteau, CIO, BAE Systems Intelligence & Security
Doug Fronius, Chief Engineer, Air and Land Systems, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Vivek Kamath, VP, Supply Chain Operations, Raytheon
Jason Kinder, Director, Product Management, Deltek
Lisa Kohl, Sector VP, Supply Chain, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems
Kenneth Krieg, Founder, Stamford Global, and Former U.S. Undersecretary of Defense-AT&L
Roger Krone, President, Boeing Network and Space Systems
Zachary Lemnios, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Mike Madsen, President, Honeywell Defense & Space
Philip McAlister, Special Assistant to the Associate Administrator for Exploration Systems, NASA
Doug McCrosson, COO, CPI Aero
Mike Owens, VP, ISC, Americas, Honeywell Aerospace
Mark Sirangelo, Corporate VP, Sierra Nevada Corp. Space Systems
Allan Swan, VP, Supply Chain Planning and Control, Rolls-Royce N.A.
Don Theriault, President, Industrial Tool, Die & Engineering
Jeff Wilcox, VP, Engineering, Lockheed Martin Corp.
For more information or to register, visit . On Twitter, follow @avweekevents or search for #ADP11. Special rates apply before Sept. 16 and for government, military, media, alumni, and groups of three or more.
A&D Programs is produced by Aviation Week, with support from Forecast International, International Centre for Complex Project Management, and Supply Chain Council. The diamond sponsor is IBM. The emerald sponsor is Oracle. Dassault Systemes is the gold sponsor. The charter sponsor is Deloitte. Silver sponsors include Deltek, Parametric Technology Corp., and Software AG. Bronze sponsors are Constellium, Infotech, and Siemens. Program excellence sponsors are BAE Systems, Boeing, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon. Media support is provided by Aviation Week & Space Technology,, Defense Procurement News, Defense Technology International, and Military Suppliers & News.
About Aviation Week:
Aviation Week, part of The McGraw-Hill Companies, is the largest multimedia information and services provider to the global aviation, aerospace and defense industries, and includes, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Defense Technology International, Business & Commercial Aviation, Overhaul & Maintenance, ShowNews, Aviation Daily, Aerospace Daily & Defense Report, The Weekly of Business Aviation, Aviation Week Intelligence Network, and MRO Links. The group also produces major events around the world.
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