
Monday, December 3, 2012

Australia: Scholarship to encourage more female pilots

From Australia Aviation:  Scholarship to encourage more female pilots

The federal government has announced two RAAF-sponsored scholarships to encourage the development of female pilots within the aviation community.
Available through the Australian Women Pilots Association (AWPA), the scholarships are open to female pilots between 17 and 24 years of age who have attained their private pilot licence (A) or equivalent. Two categories are being awarded: the AWPA Formation or Aerobatic Endorsement (Aeroplanes) Scholarship and the AWPA PPL(A) Navigation Component Scholarship.
This is the second year the scholarships have been launched.  An AWPA spokesperson said: “As a result of the RAAF’s support in 2012, we have two women pilots who were thrilled to achieve their aerobatics rating. With the RAAF’s ongoing support, AWPA looks forward to being able to provide further opportunities for women pilots to follow their aviation dreams.”

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