
Friday, February 15, 2008

"Women mustn't be put in authority over boys"

I don't know much about religion, but I know what I don't like.

A woman referee, on Feb 2, 2008, was supposed to referee a game between St. Mary’s Academy, a private religious school that sits on a sprawling campus about 25 miles northwest of Topeka, and some other team.

But because she was a woman, they wouldn't allow her to do so.

Removal of woman referee by religious school has some crying foul

"That would be putting a woman in a position of authority over boys, he was told — a scenario that was contrary to beliefs at St. Mary’s Academy."

I thought that only happened with Muslims these days, not "Christians."

Yes, I'm sure adult males wouldn't want a woman in authority over them, but these religious types are saying that grown women musn't be given authority over boys?

My god I feel sorry for their mothers, and that's not a pun.

Women, even in the Western world, still have a long way to go for equality and respect.

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