Pilot Barbara Goodwin, of Kalamazoo, MI (Michigan 99s) and Co-Pilot Maureen Kenney, Caliente, CA (San Fernando Valley 99s), are participating in the 2013 Women's Air Race Classic June 18-21, 2013. The race start is Pasco, Washington, with the terminus is Fayetteville, Arkansas. Maureen is the only entrant in this year's RACE from the Greater LA Area, and is involved in aviation as SWS 99s Webmaster, Air Race Classic, Inc. Director, FAAST Team Representative, SoCal area, and a CalPilots Member.
The women pilots are seeking financial help with their goal to fly the Air Race, and are accepting donations and sponsors for their race team.
In return, they will provide you with recognition (your logo and name and a link to your website on their website, on an information card about the team that we will distribute at each stop on the race, and on a poster that they will display in the window of the plane at each stop.
Their goal is to:
- Increase public awareness of general aviation
- Encourage and educate current and future women pilots
- Promote the tradition of pioneering women in aviation
- One gallon of fuel – $6
- Meals for one for a day – $20
- One hour of fuel – $90
- Lodging one night – $100
- Cover cost of one leg – $350 (8 legs)
- Cover cost of one day – $500 (10 days total)
Donations are being accepted on their website through PayPal at http://womenfly.net/CCK/ .
For further information you may contact them at the following email mdkenney@yahoo.com or phone, 818-207-6089
Read more about them – Classic Racer #23 Cardinal Crew from Kalamazoo – at the website: http://womenfly.net/CCK/
To read more about the race go to http://airraceclassic.org .