I received this press release today, and thought I'd share it here:
FAA Weight-Shift Control Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-5
By Paul Hamilton, CFIS, DPE (SPE/SPIE/PE)
The Sport Pilot Rule, adopted in 2004, added new kinds of aircraft to the FAA’s registry. When ultralighting began in the US, spawning two-seat ultralights developed for training, machines such as PPCs (powered parachutes) and Trikes (or weight-shift control – WSC) became common. These machines required different pilot inputs than the classic fixed-wing powered machines and gliders.
The FAA recognized the need for specialized training, and in 2007 produced Powered Parachute Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-29) Now, the Administration has added the FAA Weight-Shift Control Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-5), to guide trike pilots through the information required in the knowledge test and WSC pilot and instructor checkrides, necessary to become licensed in this type. This handbook helps explain how these little-understood ultralight-derived aircraft have become practical United States registered (N-numbered) aircraft.
As author and instructor Paul Hamilton says, “We now have a national standard to live by, rather than having to rely on different myths and legends that developed and evolved in different areas of the country.”
This handbook on Weight-Shift Control machines is similar to the FAA flight handbooks for Airplanes, Gliders, Rotorcraft, and Seaplanes. The FAA Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge is the companion book for the WSC Flying Handbook, as it is for all categories.
The WSC Flying Handbook is comprehensive and applies to the Sport Pilot and Private Pilot, and provides common knowledge areas on how WSC aircraft interact with Airplanes (e.g., traffic patterns, airspace).
Hamilton added, "I was able to author the book and obtain expert advice from several industry experts who supplied photos and helped with the most difficult part of the project: explaining the aerodynamics of the WSC flying wing.” That expert input was particularly useful because, “There is little technical data to utilize for the basis for this manual. Additionally, explaining WSC-specific unusual flight situations, such as whip stalls, tuck, tumble -- even how to land in water – all are unique challenges."
The book is perfect-bound, 280 pages, featuring top quality printing and glossy photos throughout. It will prove a valuable resource for all trike students, pilots and instructors. $44.00, through the Government Printing Office or
Adventure Productions at www.trikepilotstore.com or (phone) 775-747-0175
Chapter 1: Introduction to Weight-Shift Control
Chapter 2: Aerodynamics
Chapter 3: Components and Systems
Chapter 4: Powerplants
Chapter 5: Preflight and Ground Operations
Chapter 6: Flight Maneuvers
Chapter 7: Takeoff and Departure Climbs
Chapter 8: The National Airspace System
Chapter 9: Ground Reference Maneuvers
Chapter 10: Airport Traffic Patterns
Chapter 11: Approaches and Landings
Chapter 12: Night Operations
Chapter 13: Abnormal and Emergency Procedures