TRI-NAV CHARTS: All-new “One-Chart Solution” for IFR & VFR Flight
The convenience and detail of GPS; the reliability of paper
June 29, 2010: Lakeland, Florida: Howie Keefe’s new TRI-NAV Charts introduce a whole new chart concept in atlas format for the cross-country pilot. Charts are “combo” charts that keep you legal for both IFR or VFR navigation, with convenient Internet updates conforming to the FAA 28-day cycle.
Keefe pioneered the atlas format for aviation charts with SKY PRINTS – the VOR system for VFR flight. Later, he introduced an atlas of IFR charts with an easy-update system; now, it’s the best of all worlds: Howie Keefe’s TRI-NAV charts for GPS in IFR & VFR.
TRI-NAV charts use the FAA IFR Low Altitude Enroute Charts and add VFR and comm data. The FAA must assume you now get freqs from plates and IFR controllers -- but TRI-NAV Charts include freqs for Towers, B&C contact, CTAF, UNICOM, plus ASOS and AWOS. Helping the VFR pilot (and IFR pilot flying in visual conditions) are city name and position relative to airport; major highways; and major bodies of water: both rivers and lakes.
Also included in the atlas are planning aids; miles between airports; Rand-McNally’s Interstate/U.S. Highways map for ground travel; and, very importantly, topographical relief charts that show mountain areas, detailed terrain, cities, and even runway layouts.
Three TRI-NAV Charts atlases cover the North, South, and West U.S. Inaugural Edition price for the first atlas is $69 per year; the second is $59, and the third is $49 – that’s $177 per year, for all three; online updates cost $35. (An approach plate service is also available at $50 per atlas region.)
TRI-NAV Charts
6645-4 S. Florida Ave
Lakeland FL 33813
Notes: A Pre-Press discount of 20% is available until all atlases are printed by Oct. 1, 2010. The first atlas (North) will be introduced at the TRI-NAV booth at Oshkosh on July 27. The South follows on September 1; the West, October 1.
Atlases can be ordered by credit card or check with these methods:
On-line at after checking the website (
Phone: leave your number for return call at
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