Tami Lewis Brown is also a pilot. You fly, girl!
Annoyingly, this website is frame-driven, so I can't link to the page where she talks about the book, Soar Elinor, nor can I link to the page where she comments that actress Mia Wasikowska plays Elinor Smith in the recent biopic of Amelia Earhart, called Amelia. (Amelia and Elinor did not get along...or at least, Elinor didn't care for Amelia, thinking herself the much better pilot, but with no wealthy husband to bring her publicity.)

For more photos of Van Nuys Airport history, see http://www.lawa.org/welcome_VNY.aspx?id=1622.
1 comment:
Cathy- Thanks for the shout out about Soar, Elinor! It will be out and in book stores this October 12. The illustrations are gorgeous- over 20 oil paintings by French illustrator Francois Roca.
And I'm working on my website! I made it myself on Iweb -- now working with a real web designer to convert it!
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